How the Bible Guides Us
The Bible Was Not Written In English by David Murdoch is an insightful book that teaches us how to study the Bible so we can better understand the overall plan of God. Generally, it is an easy to understand Bible guide for the undecided to the senior pastor. Here, David Murdoch particularly aims to erase the confusions caused by the mistranslations of the Bible by encouraging us to have a deeper study of it. More so, he also largely emphasizes the importance of the Bible as the one true source of God’s commandments and teachings. In essence, the Bible is the ultimate guidebook of our lives. It plays a very crucial role in our lives as Christians for various reasons.
The Bible helps us understand the real meaning of life
Most probably, all of us have already asked at least once, “What is the meaning of life?” “What is our purpose here in this world?” For many people, the answers to these questions are difficult to find. However, if we read the Bible, we can actually see that God has already given us the answers to our biggest questions in life. Through the Bible, God gives us clues about our greatest purpose and shows us His ultimate plan for us. In other words, the Bible helps us understand the real meaning of life. It helps us realize the reasons why we are here on earth and provides us with instructions on how we should live our lives and fulfill our purpose according to the will of God. In essence, the Bible teaches us how to find genuine success, fulfillment, and happiness in life when there exists a lot of distractions and nuisances. Even before we were born, God has already given meaning to our lives, and it is found right in the Bible.
The Bible teaches us how to have harmonious relationships
Sometimes, we might find it difficult to get along with other people. Each and every one of us is basically created with different attitude and personality so conflict and misunderstanding are inevitable. Conflict often begins with differences – differences in attitude, belief, opinion, point of view, and more. Because of this, it is common for us to have conflicts with others, such as our family members, friends, boss, colleagues, and so on. By reading the Bible, however, we can learn how to interact better with other people and lessen the chances of involving ourselves in conflicts. The Bible essentially teaches us how to have harmonious relationships with others. It provides us with clear and complete instructions on how we should connect with and treat one another. In the very essence, the Bible teaches us that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. We should not allow our selfish ambitions and conceit to overpower our love for others.
The Bible gives us a glimpse of the future
Certainly, all of us want to have a joyful and secure future. We always want to be reassured that we are going to live the rest of our lives in happiness and contentment. Sometimes, however, thinking about the future can be quite frightening. It can give us doubts, uncertainties, and anxiety. Especially in today’s world where chaos and disorder are almost everywhere, the future seems to be a scary place to go into. Nonetheless, the Bible assures us again and again that no matter what, there is hope for the future. The Bible essentially gives us a glimpse of the future by reassuring us that Jesus Christ will return to this earth and save the world from itself. The Bible provides us with a hopeful image of a future in which the good reigns over the evil through the mercy of God and the salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, the Bible indeed plays a very important role in our Christian lives. For one, the Bible is the ultimate source of God’s commandments and teachings that can guide us toward fulfilling our purpose and achieving the life that He has planned for us. When using the Bible, however, we must always go beyond the surface. We must put in an extra effort in digging deeper into the Bible and understanding it more profoundly. David Murdoch’s The Bible Was Not Written In English, an easy to understand Bible guide for the undecided to the senior pastor, is something that can help us in doing so. Ultimately, by being correctly guided by the Bible, we can live a more peaceful and fulfilling life that is consistent to what God wants.
“For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.” Romans 2:13